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The Wild Horse Dilemma: Conflicts and Controversies of the Atlantic Coast Herds
The Wild Horse Dilemma: Conflicts and Controversies of the Atlantic Coast Herds
Engaging the reader at every turn of the page, Bonnie Gruenberg frequently breaks new ground as she separates fact from myth and exposes the roots of issues for the reader to consider. She weaves a story of ancient origins and current events, hard science and fiery passion. The result is the most comprehensive and factual reference on the wild horses of the Atlantic coast. Meticulously referenced, with hundreds of black and white photographs.
Bonnie U. Gruenberg
Paperback: 590 pages, abundant black and white photographs.
ISBN 978-0979002038
Quagga Press, 2015
Volume 1 Wild Horse Vacations: Your Guide to the Atlantic Horse Wild Trail
Wild Horse Vacations: Your Guide to
the Atlantic Horse Wild Trail
Volume 1: Assateague, MD, Chincoteague, VA, Corolla NC
Camp on a National Seashore where wild horses wander across your camp site. Watch a herd of wild ponies swim to Chincoteague. Photograph wild horses against the backdrop of blue ocean on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Wild Horse Vacations leads the way to unique adventures and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
Bonnie U. Gruenberg
Paperback approx. 260 pages
Quagga Press, 2016
Volume 2 Wild Horse Vacations: Your Guide to the Atlantic Wild Horse Trail
Wild Horse Vacations: Your Guide to
the Atlantic Wild Horse Trail
Volume 2: Ocracoke, NC, Shackleford Banks, NC, Cumberland Island, GA
Meet the last descendants of a historic Outer Banks herd, now corralled by the roadside. Take a boat ride to a remote island where wild horses have lived for hundreds of years. Hike among wild horses in a dense sub-tropical wilderness. Wild Horse Vacations points you to towards food, lodging and activities along the way to your great equine adventure.
Bonnie U. Gruenberg
Paperback approx. 260 pages
Quagga Press, 2016
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Assateague
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Assateague
The free-roaming horses of Assateague have survived on this ever-changing barrier island for hundreds of years. Today, Assateague is a National Seashore, where natural resource conservation is prioritized and more than 2 million people a year visit to enjoy the beach, camping and myriad recreational opportunities. The clever, resilient horses have adapted well to the incursion of people into their home ranges, but the presence of horses on the island has created friction as factions argue for and against their continued residence.
Bonnie U. Gruenberg
Paperback: 112 pages, abundant black and white photographs.
ISBN-13: 978-1941700037
Quagga Press, 2015
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge
The world-famous Chincoteague Ponies, stars of the silver screen and main attraction at the annual Pony Penning, are essential to the local economy and local identity. But they run free only on the neighboring island of Assateague under the watch of an ambivalent federal agency, and they bear little resemblance to their colonial forbears. What does the future hold for them?
Bonnie U. Gruenberg
Paperback: 148 pages, abundant black and white photographs.
ISBN-13: 978-1941700051
Quagga Press, 2015
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Corolla
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Corolla
The legendary wild horses of Corolla, on North Carolina’s perilous Outer Banks, are loved by millions around the world, but barely tolerated on their home range. Can one of the rarest strains of Colonial Spanish Horse endure against increasing odds?
Bonnie U. Gruenberg
Paperback: 148 pages, abundant black and white photographs.
ISBN 978-1941700143
Quagga Press, 2015
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Ocracoke Island
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Ocracoke Island
Wild horses, once vital to the Outer Banks livestock industry, remained on Ocracoke after forces of “progress” had obliterated them elsewhere. Pony pennings lasted until the 1950s, and the world’s only mounted Boy Scout troop persisted until the 1960s. Reduced to a roadside attraction, the herd nearly died out. Recovery has been slow, and the prognosis is uncertain.
Bonnie U. Gruenberg
Paperback: 130 pages, abundant black and white photographs.
ISBN: 978-1941700150
Quagga Press, 2015
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Shackleford Banks and Vicinity
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Shackleford Banks and Vicinity
Horses roamed the Outer Banks of North Carolina and much of the nearby mainland for centuries. Forces of development—and conservation—restricted the southern herds to Shackleford Banks and a few neighboring islands, however, and official management in the 1990s nearly eradicated them. They have partially recovered, but their situation remains precarious.
Bonnie Gruenberg
Paperback: 144 pages, abundant black and white photographs.
ISBN: 978-1941700167
Quagga Press, 2015
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Cumberland Island
The Hoofprints Guide to the Wild Horses of Cumberland Island
Cumberland Island was once a Spanish colony, but its wild horses are farther from the Colonial Spanish type than those of East Coast islands never settled by Spain. The unmanaged Cumberland herd is also the wildest, though the National Park Service does not consider it wildlife. The horses are very adaptable, but this subtropical paradise is especially challenging. Without renewed human intervention, their future is unclear. Can we ensure their well-being without compromising their wildness?
Bonnie U. Gruenberg
Paperback: 112 pages, abundant black and white photographs.
ISBN: 978-1941700174
Quagga Press, 2015