Synclitic Media LLC is the publisher of cutting-edge obstetrical resources. Our imprint Quagga Press, publishes books about the wild horses of the Atlantic Coast.
Synclitic Media LLC is the publisher of cutting-edge obstetrical resources. Our imprint Quagga Press, publishes books about the wild horses of the Atlantic Coast.
How we started
Bonnie U. Gruenberg founded her first publishing business, Birth Guru Publications, in 2008. Before becoming an independent publisher, she had authored two books and published them with mainstream publishers (Essentials of Pre-hospital Maternity Care 2005 by Prentice Hall /Brady and Hoofprints in the Sand 2002 by Eclipse Press). Eager to gain control over the layout, content, and marketing of her books, she decided to start an independent press that specializes in her two favorite subjects- obstetrics and horses. In 2008, Birth Guru, subsequently renamed Birth Muse Press, released Birth Emergency Skills Training for Out-of-Hospital Midwives, written and illustrated by Bonnie Gruenberg, We were so excited when it won three awards and was a finalist for two others. Birth Emergency Skills Training ® (BEST) was featured on the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) written exam reference list for the Certified Professional Midwife. It has been translated into Russian and became a dynamic and innovative live workshop .In 2011 it was translated into Russian. In 2008, BEST was taught as an interactive online course. Later, Andrea Dixon, CNM, CPM, transformed it into a dynamic hands-on workshop at www.birthemergency.com. In 2014, we reorganized the business and created Synclitic Media LLC with the primary purpose of publishing women’s health and obstetric titles, including BEST materials. Quagga Press publishes equine media, with an emphasis on the free-roaming herds of the Atlantic coast. In 2015, Quagga Press released The Wild Horse Dilemma, Conflicts and Controversies of the Atlantic Coast herds. Not only did it garner great praise and excellent reviews, it won a number of awards within a few months of release. In 2025, we released Birth Emergencies for Community Midwives. This substantial midwifery textbook is 554 pages in length and is enhanced by 320 figures, 81 tables, 24 mnemonics—many of them unique—and numerous highlights and graphics, making it the most comprehensive textbook of its kind. We have a number of exciting projects in the works. Check in frequently and see what is new! Disclaimer: Synclitic Media, LLC, has licensed Andrea Dixon, Family Way Educational Services, and Avril Bowens to use material in the books Birth Emergencies for Community Midwives and Birth Emergency Skills Training to create and teach workshops and provide online training using the name “Birth Emergency Skills Training.” Neither Bonnie U. Gruenberg nor Synclitic Media, LLC, have reviewed, are involved with, agree with, condone, or are otherwise responsible for the information, training, materials, recommendations, or procedures presented in these workshops and/or online training. Likewise, Bonnie U. Gruenberg and Synclitic Media, LLC, are not responsible for training, materials, recommendations, or procedures of any kind developed by any other third parties based on these books.